1880 United States Federal Census Record
Allens, Calhoun, Alabama

Name: James Dobbs
Age: 68
Estimated birth year: <1812>
Birthplace: Georgia
Occupation: Farmer
Relationship to head-of-household: Self
Home in 1880: Allens, Calhoun, Alabama
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Spouse's name: Elizabeth Dobbs
Father's birthplace: GA
Mother's name: Sarah Dobbs
Mother's birthplace: GA

Name: Elizabeth Dobbs
Age: 64
Estimated birth year: <1816>
Birthplace: Georgia
Occupation: Keeps House
Relationship to head-of-household: Wife
Home in 1880: Allens, Calhoun, Alabama
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Female
Spouse's name: James Dobbs
Father's birthplace: VA
Mother's birthplace: GA

Name: Thomas J. Dobbs
Age: 38
Estimated birth year: <1842>
Birthplace: Alabama
Occupation: Works In Farm
Relationship to head-of-household: Son
Home in 1880: Allens, Calhoun, Alabama
Marital status: Widower
Race: White
Gender: Male
Father's name: James Dobbs
Father's birthplace: GA
Mother's name: Elizabeth Dobbs
Mother's birthplace: GA