32. Eli HAYES (63) was born on 21 Oct 1768 in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

He died on 6 Jul 1849 in Chester County, Pennsylvania.64

Eli HAYES and Sarah WARD were married on 31 Oct 1798 in West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania.(42)(45)

Hayes, Eli; Sarah Ward
Married Oct 31,1798, by John Graves, Esq. Both of Newlin.

Eli and Sarah were married at the home of James Jackson.

33. Sarah WARD was born on 27 Jul 1776 in Newlin, Chester County, Pennsylvania.

She died on 13 May 1822 in Newlin, Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Children were:

1 Hannah HAYES was born on 21 Feb 1803 in Chester County, Pennsylvania. She died on 26 Nov 1882.

2 Ann HAYES was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

3 Mary HAYES died on 25 May 1840. James and Mary had a child, Franklin H. Chandler, living in 1849. Conflicting information says there may have been a daughter, Sarah, while others say there was only one child.

4 Allen HAYES was born in Newlin, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Died young.

5 Allen HAYES. First name may have been Alton instead of Allen.

6 Eliza HAYES.

7 16. John HAYES Sr.

(42) The Allen Family; Descendents of John and Amy Cox Allen with Allied Lines, by Lester M. Allen; Salisbury Printing Company, Inc, Salisbury, North Carolina: 1987, p. 19.

(45) Chester County, Pennsylvania Marriage Records.

(63) peacockLowe.GED. I have a copy of a Roush/Hayes family tree that shows this family with these children. Found Eli and Sarah listed with correct birth years on ancestry.com. Note says there may have been other children, but John Hayes is not listed.

(64) Chester County, Pennsylvania Death Records. Source records of Townsend Lamborn, Esq.