1024. Henry Taylor HAYES (204) was born in 1580 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England. He died before 9 Dec 1634 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England. He was buried on 9 Dec 1634 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England. He signed a will 22 of May 1633 in Epwell, Oxon County, England. (205)

"To be buried in the church or churchyard of Swacklieffe in the said county: To daughter Elizabeth Heis 40 shillings, to be paid on the 3d of May next; also a bedstead, a wooll bed, three sheetes, a bed healing, a towell, a pillow beare, a great kettle, a brasse pot, a brasse ffrying pan, Two pewter platters, a pewter Sawcer, a brasse Candle sticke, Table board, a Cubbord, an old which & two Coffers.

I give and bequeath my whole Tenement with the appurtrnances in Swackliffe aforesaid to my son Richard Heis & to his heires forever uppon this Condition that he his heires executors and administrators or some of them shall pay or cause to be payed to my aforesaid daughter ffive pounds of Current English money at my decease if my saide daughter be then lyving." Also to Richard my malt mill to remain in said Tenement. Wife Isabell to have a home, &c.; also to be the residuary legatee and executrix.

God-daughter Margery Jefkins.

Overseers, my honest neighbours John Aulcox and Simon Skilman of Epwell.
Witnesses. Philip Welles, Simon Skilman."

Abstract of the Will of Henry Hayes (written Heis by an amanuensis) of Epwell, in Oxon, taylor, dated 22 May 1633. This will was proved at Chipping Norton, 1st of April, 1635. This inventory amounted to 31[lbs]:10: 8.

The elder Henry, [i.e. this Henry] as appears by this will, was a tailor and left a widow Isabell and two children, Elizabeth and Richard. The will is dated 22 May 1633, and the Epwell register contains the entry of his burial on 9 Dec 1634. It also records the burial of his former wife, Joane, on 5 Dec 1614, and the baptism of a daughter, Mary, 7 Jun 1606, and her burial 24 Aug of the same year. It would seem that this elder Henry Hayes was held in considerable esteem in his community as he filled the office of Church Warden at Epwell. In this capacity he signed, in the parish register, a document relating the affairs of the church, in 1605.

His name is spelled variously in different places, a common occurrence in those early days. In his will it is written Heis, and in the parish register mostly Hay, in some cases Harry Hay.

Henry Taylor HAYES and Isabell were married about 1624 in Epwell, Oxford, England.

1025. Isabell was born about 1600 in Epwell, Oxford, England. She died after 1634.

Children were:

#i. 512. Richard HAYES.

#ii. Elizabeth HAYES was born in 1628.

(204) Proceedings of the Bicentennial Gathering of the Descendants of Henry Hayes at Unionville, Chester County, Pa., September 2nd, 1905.

(205) Proceedings of the Bicentennial Gathering of the Descendents of Henry Hayes at Unionville, Chester County, PA September 2nd 1905; West Chester, PA: Published by the Committee for the Family, 1906. p. 14.