Stephen Bachiler b. About 1561 (aged 70, 23 June 1631 [Waters 520]; aged 71, 5 June 1632 [WJ 1:93]; about 76, late March 1636/7 [WJ 1:313]).
DEATH: Buried 31 October 1656 at All Hallows Staining, London [NHGR 8:14-17].
MARRIAGE: (1) By about 1590 [Anne?] _____, who was closely related in some way to Reverend John Bate, Bachiler's successor as vicar of Wherwell [see COMMENTS]; she died sometime between about 1610 and 1624. (Although this first wife's given name is stated to be "Anne" by many authorities, there is no record evidence to support this.)
(2) Abbots Ann, Hampshire, 2 March 1623/4 Christian Weare, widow [GDMNH 81]; she died before 26 March 1627. (3) Abbots Ann, Hampshire, 26 March 1627 Helena Mason, widow (of Reverend Thomas Mason) [GDMNH 81]; she was aged 48 in 1631, so born about 1583 [Waters 520]; died by 3 May 1647 [WP 5:153]. (4) by 14 February 1648 Mary (_____) Beedle, widow of Robert Beedle [Kittery Hist 95-96]; she soon left her husband, and cohabited with George Rogers at Kittery (see below).
CHILDREN: With first wife i NATHANIEL, b. say 1590; m. (1) Hester Mercer or LeMercier [Batchelder Gen 110-15; NEHGR 27:368, 47:510-15]; m. (2) by 1645 Margery _____ (on 9 April 1645 "Margerie Batchellor" the widow of Nathaniel Bacheler of Southampton, Hampshire, was granted administration on his estate [PCC Admon. Act Book 1645, f. 22]); he did not come to New England, but his son Nathaniel did, and resided at Hampton.
ii DEBORAH, b. about 1592 (aged 32, 22 June 1624 [Waters 520]); m. by 1611 John Wing [Waters 519-20]; she and her children came to New England in the late 1630s and resided at Sandwich.
iii STEPHEN, b. about 1594; matriculated at Oxford 18 June 1610 from Magdalen College, aged 16, son of a minister, from Southampton [i.e., Hampshire] [Foster 1:53]; "Stephen Bachiler of Edmund Hall" was ordained deacon at Oxford 19 September 1613 [Bishop's Register, Diocese of Oxford]; with his father, accused in 1614 of circulating slanderous verses [see COMMENTS]; no further record.
iv SAMUEL, b. say 1597; lived at Gorcum in Holland, where he was a minister, and had a wife and children.
v ANN, b. about 1601 (aged 30 in 1631 [Waters 520]); m. (1) by about 1620 _____ Samborne; m. (2) Strood, Kent, 20 January 1631/2 Henry Atkinson.
vi THEODATE, b. say 1610; m. by about 1635 CHRISTOPHER HUSSEY. ASSOCIATIONS: RICHARD DUMMER of Roxbury and Newbury married first Jane Mason, a daughter of Reverend Thomas Mason, and resided late in his life at North Stoneham, Hampshire; Stephen Bachiler married as his third wife Helena Mason, widow of Reverend Thomas Mason, and resided just before his departure for New England at South Stoneham, Hampshire. These marriages made Bachiler the step-father-in-law of Dummer, and explains their close connection in the activities of the Plough Company.