He Gave Everything written by Michael Thornton    
Nothing Scheduled at this time
Prior performances
Idlewild Baptist Church - Tampa, FL - October 25, 2009 - 6:30 pm (this can also be seen live on the web at: www.idlewild.org Go to "view/listen" and "worshipcast" and "live") Cornerstone Christian School - Gainesville, FL - September 22, 2009 First Baptist Church Granada Hills - Los Angeles, CA - September 13, 2009 MGM Grand - Las Vegas, Nevada - September 12, 2009 Carrollwood Baptist Church - Tampa, FL - July 14, 2009 Idlewild Baptist Church - Tampa, FL - June 7, 2009 Inglewood Baptist Church - Nashville, Tennessee - April 26-29, 2009 Florida Strawberry Festival - March 3, 2009 @ 3 p.m Florida State Fair - Feburary 5, 9, 14, 15, 2009